Saab – All the cars. The perfect reading for long autumn evenings.

Now when autumn is closing in we want to come with a suggestion how to bring some light in the darkness. And one of the best ways to do that, is to cuddle up in your favourite part of the couch with Per-Börje Elgs book about all Saabs. Per-Börje was for many years employed at Saab Car Division in the marketing and public relations departments. Per-Börje’s knowledge of Saab is genuine and well-founded. If you havn’t already got it, you could get it easily thru a few clicks on the keyboard, from The Saab Car Museum Webbshop. Happy reading!

Many new members at the Festival

Thank you all that came and visited us in our stand during the Festival. To get the book that Per-Börje Elg has written and the Support Organization financed signed.
And also to become a member and be a true Saab Car Museum Supporter in order to keep the Saab Spirit alive and contribute to The Saab Car Museums future development. Your support is of great value.
For all of you who didn’t have the chance to come and visit us during the weekend and also want to become a member and to be a true Saab Car Museum Supporter, it’s as easy to pay the membership fee here on the web site.

Saab Car Museum Support Organisation Annual Meeting

Saab Car Museum Support Organization held its annual meeting recently. This time we could meet in real life at the Saab Car Museum. The members that participated at the meeting could hear about the work that had been done last year and plans and ideas for the future. The Annual General Meeting granted the Board discharges for the fiscal year and the board was re-elected, except for Eva Östling who have decided to finish her valuable work in the Board and will be replaced by Lars-Olof Hellgren. You will find the minute from the annual meeting under the “Members only“ section.

In connection with the annual meeting the largest project the Saab Car Museum Organization has taken on was revealed. A book about all of Saabs cars from 1947-2012. The book, that will be published both in Swedish and English, and has been authored by Per-Börje Elg will be released at the Festival the 10th of June at the Saab Car Museum. Read more about the book in separate article below.
Eva Östling have decided to finish her valuable work in the Board, a long-time assignment going back to the very start of the Saab Car Museum Support Organization, most of the time as Secretary. Ulf Andersson expressed the Organization’ s appreciation of her efforts and contributions, presenting her with a bouquet of flowers.

New book about all of Saabs cars – the ultimate encyclopedia for all Saab connoisseurs

On June 10th in connection with the Saab Car Museum Festival, the book “Saab – All the cars 1947-2012” will be launched for sale at the Saab Car Museum in Trollhättan. The book is the ultimate encyclopedia of all Saab models and a must have for all Saab connoisseurs. The book will be available both in Swedish and in English.
The author of the book is Per-Börje Elg. Per-Börje was for many years employed at Saab Car Division in the marketing and public relations departments. Per-Börje’s knowledge of Saab is genuine and well-founded.

In this context, we would also like to mention the organizations vice chairman Melker Persson, who has acted as project manager for the book’s production.
The book’s creation is fully funded by the Saab Car Museum Support Organization through membership fees and donations. The edition of 5000 books will be handed over by the organization as a gift to the Saab Car Museum, and all proceeds from the sale will thus go to the museum.
During the Saab Car Museum Festival, the book will be sold in the museum’s shop. In connection with the museum, there will be the opportunity to have his book signed by the author Per-Börje Elg, which will be in the organizations tent. After the Festival the book will also be available in the Museum Webbshop.

See you at the Saab Car Museum Festival 10-12 June.

Article about the Group 3 project in the latest edition of Saab Cars Magazine.
In the seventh edition of Saab Cars Magazine is here! A magazine you can’t miss, especially so if you understand Swedish.
This edition has a full blown article about the Group 3 car that the Saab Car Museum Support Organization restored as an example of how a racing Saab looked like in the 60’s. The car is now part of the Museums exhibition.
You can buy at from the Saab Car Museum or order it from Klassiker:…/nu-har-saab-cars-magazine-7

Loud, fast and brutal – and not built for historic racing. The Support Organization did everything right. Photo Claes Johansson