Become a Saab Car Museum Supporter you too
Of course you want to join the crowd and become a Saab Car Museum Supporter you too! The member fee is only 300 SEK/year and include free entrance to the Saab Car Museum. For new members paying their fee in November or December the fee is valid for the upcoming year. When we have received your payment we will send you a confirmation by email, please make sure to enter a valid email address. (Also make a habit to check your spam box if you havn’t recieved any mail, since some mail providers seem to think our mail is spam.)
Lifetime membership
You also have the possibility to get a lifetime membership for the fee of 3 000 SEK. If you choose this alternative, please send separate a mail saying that your payment is for a lifetime membership”
Why should you want to become a member of the Saab Car Museum Support Organization?
Saab Car Museum Support Organization is a non-profit organization whose purpose is to promote the Saab Car Museum. This is done through a variety of activities in order to create economic means for the Museum. These will be used to support Museum activities, help funding mutually agreed projects and more. Members of the Saab Car Museum Support Organization will by their membership support the Museum financially, but also have benefits like access to exclusive Saab-related materials such as archival images, articles and more.
One example of this is the Group 3 racing replica that the organization meticulously restored and then donated to the museum as an example of Saabs successful era in racing. The car is a replica of the car that Gösta Karlsson so successfully raced with in the 60’s As a member you can watch Ulf Andersson and Åke Zackrisson give a talk about the project.
By becoming a Saab Car Museum Supporter you too will contribute to the development of the Saab Car Museum as the hub for all Saab Enthusiasts. By becoming a Saab Car Museum Supporter you show that you are a part of the community and can sense the so sought after Saab spirit.
If you want to support the organization with a donation of some kind we will be more than happy. The organization has a lot of ideas around projects that would benfit the Saab Car Museum but of course we’re always open to new ideas. Together we build an active and living museum and strong solidarity amoung us Saab Car Museum Supporters.
Please send us an e-mail with information if the donation/gift is for a non-specific or dedicated purpose. Contact us in regards of a donation.
Payment is done with the alternatives below.
Payments (for both membership and donations)
Please always state your name, phone number and e-mail adress so we can confirm reception of your payment!
For money transfer from outside Sweden, use these numbers
- IBAN: SE28 6000 0000 0007 0101 6418
Svenska Handelsbanken Trollhättan
Box 917
In Sweden (if you have a Swedish bank account) you can pay to:
- Bankgiro nr: 138-1102
- Swish nr: 123 051 90 66